PSA from Howard of HHCRA
As you know, the maids (Independent Domestic Workers) referred by Howard’s are the best in the business. They are experts in cleaning and sanitizing. That’s one problem resolved.
Next; some of our clients require the maids to wear a mask. This is nothing new. The client’s supply them. We are also recommending that the clients use some sort of aerosol sanitizing spray periodically, or as needed. Again, the clients typically already have one of their choosing.
Finally; the maids are aware of the health issues, and are paying attention to everyone’s benefit.
Just a quick note. I’m sure you’ve been bombarded with all kinds of information about the Corona Virus on the television and internet… Also; remember it’s Flu & Cold season. So, drink a lot of liquid, and keep nourished. Here are some common-sense ideas…
Practice Good Hygiene
1) Wash your hands frequently
We never know where our hands have been so make sure to wash your hands. Pick a 20-second part from your favorite song and sing it while you do.
2) Avoid touching your face, nose & eyes
As much as possible, don’t touch your face even when it feels itchy. You can use a clean handkerchief or tissue paper to wipe your face.
3) Cover coughs & sneezes
Listen, it is always important to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. It is also proper decorum and avoids spreading droplets.
4) Disinfect surfaces regularly
We never long how long it will last on the surface so make sure to disinfect your furniture and fixtures.
5) Limit handshaking
Human to human contact may be a way to spread unwanted diseases or viruses. Make sure to avoid touching someone else.
6) Maintain Social Distancing
Maintain a distance of one meter away from another person. It may be hard especially if you’re the kind of person who likes to hug or be hugged.
Meeting & Travel Precautions
1) Stay home if you are sick
It’s better to be safe than sorry as they always say. If you are sick and don’t want someone else to catch it, please stay at home and isolate yourself so you can recover fast.
2) Consider postponing travel plans
Why travel during the global crisis? Big discounts aren’t really worth it if you are going to be sick just by traveling. How about a stay-cation instead.
3) Avoid large gatherings
We never know who we get in contact with crowds. Avoid them for now.
4) Conduct video conference meetings
With the power of technology today, we can still see each other but through our screens. If it is an important topic to be talked about, you can schedule a group message or video conference.
The maids referred by Howard’s House Cleaning Referral Agency, Inc. are literally the best in the business. They are experts at cleaning and sanitizing. If you need help, call us … (949) 215-9550. ALWAYS… AT YOUR SERVICE!
Kindest Regards, Howard